Dataset API
Interface Overview
The Knowledge Base service interface provides comprehensive knowledge base management integration capabilities, including core functions such as knowledge base creation, document management, segment management, and data retrieval. All interfaces require valid API keys for authentication. Use the DifyDataset
interface instance.
1. Knowledge Base Management
1.1 Create Knowledge Base
DatasetResponse create(DatasetCreateRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | Yes | Knowledge base name |
description | String | No | Knowledge base description |
permission | PermissionEnum | No | Permission settings |
provider | ProviderEnum | No | Provider |
indexingTechnique | IndexingTechniqueEnum | No | Indexing technique |
ProviderEnum Values
Value | Description |
SELF_BUILT | Self-built |
THIRD_PARTY | Third-party |
PermissionEnum Values
Value | Description |
ONLY_ME | Visible only to self |
TEAM | Visible to team |
PUBLIC | Publicly visible |
IndexingTechniqueEnum Values
Value | Description |
HIGH_QUALITY | High quality |
ECONOMY | Economy |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Knowledge base ID |
name | String | Knowledge base name |
description | String | Knowledge base description |
permission | PermissionEnum | Permission |
dataSourceType | String | Data source type |
indexingTechnique | IndexingTechniqueEnum | Indexing technique |
appCount | Integer | Application count |
documentCount | Integer | Document count |
wordCount | Integer | Word count |
createdBy | String | Created by |
createdAt | Long | Creation timestamp |
updatedBy | String | Updated by |
updatedAt | Long | Update timestamp |
1.2 Paginated Query of Knowledge Base List
DifyPageResult<DatasetResponse> page(DatasetPageRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
page | Integer | No | Page number, default 1 |
limit | Integer | No | Records per page, default 20 |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
list | List<DatasetResponse> | Knowledge base list |
total | Long | Total records |
page | Integer | Current page |
limit | Integer | Records per page |
pages | Integer | Total pages |
DatasetResponse See 1.1
1.3 Delete Knowledge Base
void delete(String datasetId);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
Response Parameters
not have
2. Document Management
2.1 Create Document by Text
DocumentCreateResponse createDocumentByText(DocumentCreateByTextRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
name | String | Yes | Document name |
text | String | Yes | Document content |
docType | DocTypeEnum | No | Document type |
docMetadata | Map<String, Object> | No | Document metadata (required if document type is provided) |
indexingTechnique | IndexingTechniqueEnum | No | Indexing mode |
docForm | DocFormEnum | No | Document form |
docLanguage | String | No | Document language |
processRule | ProcessRule | No | Processing rules |
retrievalModel | RetrievalModel | No | Retrieval model |
embeddingModel | String | No | Embedding model |
embeddingModelProvider | String | No | Embedding model provider |
DocTypeEnum Values
Value | Description |
book | Book |
web_page | Web page |
paper | Academic paper/article |
social_media_post | Social media post |
wikipedia_entry | Wikipedia entry |
personal_document | Personal document |
business_document | Business document |
im_chat_log | Instant messaging chat log |
synced_from_notion | Notion synced document |
synced_from_github | GitHub synced document |
others | Other document types |
DocFormEnum Values
Value | Description |
text_model | Direct document embedding, economy mode defaults to this mode |
hierarchical_model | Parent-child mode |
qa_model | Q&A mode: Generate Q&A pairs for document segments, then embed the questions |
ProcessRule Object Structure
Field | Type | Description |
mode | String | Processing mode |
rules | CustomRule | Custom rules |
CustomRule Object Structure
Field | Type | Description |
preProcessingRules | List<PreProcessingRule> | Pre-processing rules list |
segmentation | Segmentation | Segmentation rules |
parentMode | ParentModeEnum | Parent segment retrieval mode |
subChunkSegmentation | SubChunkSegmentation | Sub-chunk segmentation rules |
PreProcessingRule Object Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | PreProcessingRuleTypeEnum | Pre-processing rule unique identifier, such as remove_extra_spaces, remove_urls_emails |
enabled | Boolean | Whether the rule is selected, represents default value when document ID is not provided |
Segmentation Object Structure
Field | Type | Description |
separator | String | Custom segment identifier, currently only one separator is allowed. Default is \n |
maxTokens | Integer | Maximum length (token), default is 1000 |
SubChunkSegmentation Object Structure
Field | Type | Description |
separator | String | Custom sub-segment identifier |
maxTokens | Integer | Sub-segment maximum length (token) |
chunkOverlap | Integer | Sub-segment overlap length |
ParentModeEnum Values
Value | Description |
FULL_DOC | Full document retrieval |
PARAGRAPH | Paragraph retrieval |
RetrievalModel Object Structure
Field | Type | Description |
searchMethod | SearchMethodEnum | Search method |
rerankingEnable | Boolean | Whether to enable reranking |
rerankingModel | RerankingModel | Reranking model |
weights | RerankingModelWeight | Weights |
topK | Integer | Number of results to return |
scoreThresholdEnabled | Boolean | Whether to enable score threshold |
scoreThreshold | Float | Score threshold |
RerankingModel Object Structure
Field | Type | Description |
rerankingProviderName | String | Reranking provider name |
rerankingModelName | String | Reranking model name |
RerankingModelWeight Object Structure
Field | Type | Description |
weightType | String | default is customized |
vectorSetting | VectorSetting | Vector weight |
keywordSetting | KeywordSetting | keyword weight |
VectorSetting Object Structure
Field | Type | Description |
vectorWeight | Float | Vector weight |
embeddingModelName | String | Embedding model |
embeddingProviderName | String | Embedding model provider |
RerankingModelWeight Object Structure
字段名 | 类型 | 描述 |
keywordWeight | Float | keyword weight |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
document | DocumentInfo | Document information |
batch | String | Batch number |
DocumentInfo Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Document ID |
position | Integer | Position |
dataSourceType | String | Data source type |
dataSourceInfo | Map<String, Object> | Data source information |
datasetProcessRuleId | String | Knowledge base processing rule ID |
name | String | Document name |
createdFrom | String | Creation source |
createdBy | String | Created by |
createdAt | Long | Creation timestamp |
tokens | Integer | Token count |
indexingStatus | String | Indexing status |
error | String | Error message |
enabled | String | Whether enabled |
disabledAt | Long | Disabled timestamp |
disabledBy | String | Disabled by |
archived | String | Whether archived |
displayStatus | String | Display status |
wordCount | String | Word count |
hitCount | String | Hit count |
docForm | String | Document form |
2.2 Create Document by File
DocumentCreateResponse createDocumentByFile(DocumentCreateByFileRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
name | String | Yes | Document name |
file | MultipartFile | Yes | Document file |
docType | DocTypeEnum | No | Document type |
docMetadata | Map<String, Object> | No | Document metadata (required if document type is provided) |
indexingTechnique | IndexingTechniqueEnum | No | Indexing mode |
docForm | DocFormEnum | No | Document form |
docLanguage | String | No | Document language |
processRule | ProcessRule | No | Processing rules |
retrievalModel | RetrievalModel | No | Retrieval model |
embeddingModel | String | No | Embedding model |
embeddingModelProvider | String | No | Embedding model provider |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
document | DocumentInfo | Document information |
batch | String | Batch number |
2.3 Update Document by Text
DocumentCreateResponse updateDocumentByText(DocumentUpdateByTextRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
documentId | String | Yes | Document ID |
name | String | No | Document name |
text | String | Yes | Document content |
docType | DocTypeEnum | No | Document type |
docMetadata | Map<String, Object> | No | Document metadata (required if document type is provided) |
indexingTechnique | IndexingTechniqueEnum | No | Indexing mode |
docForm | DocFormEnum | No | Document form |
docLanguage | String | No | Document language |
processRule | ProcessRule | No | Processing rules |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
document | DocumentInfo | Document information |
batch | String | Batch number |
2.4 Update Document by File
DocumentCreateResponse updateDocumentByFile(DocumentUpdateByFileRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
documentId | String | Yes | Document ID |
name | String | No | Document name |
file | MultipartFile | Yes | Document file |
docType | DocTypeEnum | No | Document type |
docMetadata | Map<String, Object> | No | Document metadata (required if document type is provided) |
indexingTechnique | IndexingTechniqueEnum | No | Indexing mode |
docForm | DocFormEnum | No | Document form |
docLanguage | String | No | Document language |
processRule | ProcessRule | No | Processing rules |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
document | DocumentInfo | Document information |
batch | String | Batch number |
2.5 Paginated Query of Document List
DifyPageResult<DocumentInfo> pageDocument(DatasetPageDocumentRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
keyword | String | No | Search keyword |
page | Integer | No | Page number, default 1 |
limit | Integer | No | Records per page, default 20 |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
list | List<DocumentInfo> | Document list |
total | Long | Total records |
page | Integer | Current page |
limit | Integer | Records per page |
pages | Integer | Total pages |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Document ID |
position | Integer | Position |
dataSourceType | String | Data source type |
dataSourceInfo | Map<String, Object> | Data source information |
datasetProcessRuleId | String | Knowledge base processing rule ID |
name | String | Document name |
createdFrom | String | Creation source |
createdBy | String | Created by |
createdAt | Long | Creation timestamp |
tokens | Integer | Token count |
indexingStatus | String | Indexing status |
error | String | Error message |
enabled | String | Whether enabled |
disabledAt | Long | Disabled timestamp |
disabledBy | String | Disabled by |
archived | String | Whether archived |
displayStatus | String | Display status |
wordCount | String | Word count |
hitCount | String | Hit count |
docForm | String | Document form |
2.6 Query Document Indexing Status
DocumentIndexingStatusResponse indexingStatus(DocumentIndexingStatusRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
batch | String | Yes | Batch number |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | List<ProcessingStatus> | Processing status list |
ProcessingStatus Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Document ID |
indexingStatus | String | Indexing status |
processingStartedAt | Long | Processing start timestamp |
parsingCompletedAt | Long | Parsing completion timestamp |
cleaningCompletedAt | Long | Cleaning completion timestamp |
splittingCompletedAt | Long | Splitting completion timestamp |
completedAt | Long | Processing completion timestamp |
pausedAt | Long | Pause timestamp |
error | String | Error message |
stoppedAt | Long | Stop timestamp |
completedSegments | Integer | Completed segments count |
totalSegments | Integer | Total segments count |
2.7 Delete Document
DocumentDeleteResponse deleteDocument(String datasetId, String documentId);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
documentId | String | Yes | Document ID |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
result | String | Fixed return "success" |
2.8 Get Upload File Information
UploadFileInfoResponse uploadFileInfo(String datasetId, String documentId);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
documentId | String | Yes | Document ID |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | File ID |
name | String | File name |
size | Integer | File size |
extension | String | File extension |
url | String | File access URL |
downloadUrl | String | File download URL |
mimeType | String | MIME type |
createdBy | String | Created by |
createdAt | Long | Creation timestamp |
3. Segment Management
3.1 Create Segment
SegmentResponse createSegment(SegmentCreateRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
documentId | String | Yes | Document ID |
segments | List<SegmentParam> | Yes | Segment parameter list |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | List<SegmentData> | Segment data list |
docForm | String | Document form |
SegmentData Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Segment ID |
position | Integer | Position |
content | String | Segment content |
answer | String | Answer |
wordCount | Integer | Word count |
tokens | Integer | Token count |
indexingStatus | String | Indexing status |
error | String | Error message |
enabled | String | Whether enabled |
disabledAt | Long | Disabled timestamp |
disabledBy | String | Disabled by |
archived | Boolean | Whether archived |
SegmentParam Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
content | String | Segment content |
answer | String | Segment answer |
keywords | List<String> | Keyword list |
3.2 Paginated Query of Segment List
SegmentResponse pageSegment(SegmentPageRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
documentId | String | Yes | Document ID |
keyword | String | No | Search keyword |
status | String | No | Status filter |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | List<SegmentData> | Segment data list |
docForm | String | Document form |
SegmentData Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Segment ID |
position | Integer | Position |
content | String | Segment content |
answer | String | Answer |
wordCount | Integer | Word count |
tokens | Integer | Token count |
indexingStatus | String | Indexing status |
error | String | Error message |
enabled | String | Whether enabled |
disabledAt | Long | Disabled timestamp |
disabledBy | String | Disabled by |
archived | Boolean | Whether archived |
3.3 Delete Segment
SegmentDeleteResponse deleteSegment(String datasetId, String documentId, String segmentId);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
documentId | String | Yes | Document ID |
segmentId | String | Yes | Segment ID |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
result | String | Fixed return "success" |
3.4 Update Segment
SegmentUpdateResponse updateSegment(SegmentUpdateRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
documentId | String | Yes | Document ID |
segmentId | String | Yes | Segment ID |
segment | SegmentParam | Yes | Segment parameter |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | SegmentData | Segment data |
docForm | String | Document form |
SegmentData Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Segment ID |
position | Integer | Position |
content | String | Segment content |
answer | String | Answer |
wordCount | Integer | Word count |
tokens | Integer | Token count |
indexingStatus | String | Indexing status |
error | String | Error message |
enabled | String | Whether enabled |
disabledAt | Long | Disabled timestamp |
disabledBy | String | Disabled by |
archived | Boolean | Whether archived |
SegmentParam Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
content | String | Segment content |
answer | String | Segment answer |
keywords | List<String> | Keyword list |
4. Data Retrieval
4.1 Retrieve Data
RetrieveResponse retrieve(RetrieveRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
query | String | Yes | Retrieval query content |
retrievalModel | RetrievalModel | No | Retrieval model |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
query | RetrieveQuery | Query information |
records | List<RetrieveRecord> | Retrieval record list |
RetrieveQuery Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
content | String | Query content |
RetrieveRecord Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
segment | Segment | Segment information |
score | Float | Relevance score |
tsne_position | TsnePosition | TSNE position information |
TsnePosition Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
x | Float | X coordinate |
y | Float | Y coordinate |
Segment Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Segment ID |
position | Integer | Position |
documentId | String | Document ID |
content | String | Segment content |
answer | String | Answer |
wordCount | Integer | Word count |
tokens | Integer | Token count |
keywords | List<String> | Keyword list |
indexNodeId | String | Index node ID |
indexNodeHash | String | Index node hash |
hitCount | Integer | Hit count |
enabled | String | Whether enabled |
disabledAt | Long | Disabled timestamp |
disabledBy | String | Disabled by |
status | String | Status |
createdAt | Long | Creation timestamp |
createdBy | String | Created by |
indexingAt | Long | Indexing timestamp |
completedAt | Long | Completion timestamp |
error | String | Error message |
stoppedAt | Long | Stop timestamp |
document | Document | Document information |
Document Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Document ID |
dataSourceType | String | Data source type |
name | String | Document name |
docType | String | Document type |
5. Metadata Management
5.1 Create Metadata
MetaDataResponse createMetaData(MetaDataCreateRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
type | String | Yes | Metadata type |
name | String | Yes | Metadata name |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Metadata ID |
type | String | Metadata type |
name | String | Metadata name |
5.2 Update Metadata
MetaDataResponse updateMetaData(MetaDataUpdateRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
metaDataId | String | Yes | Metadata ID |
name | String | Yes | Metadata name |
Response Parameters
MetaDataResponse See 5.1
5.3 Delete Metadata
MetaDataDeleteResponse deleteMetaData(String datasetId, String metadataId);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
metadataId | String | Yes | Metadata ID |
Response Parameters
not have
5.4 Metadata Operations
MetaDataActionResponse actionMetaData(MetaDataActionRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
action | MetaDataActionEnum | Yes | Operation type |
MetaDataActionEnum Values
Value | Description |
ENABLE | Enable |
DISABLE | Disable |
Response Parameters
not have
5.5 Update Document Metadata
DocumentMetaDataUpdateResponse updateDocumentMetaData(DocumentMetaDataUpdateRequest request);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
operationData | List<OperationData> | Yes | Operation data list |
OperationData Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
documentId | String | Document ID |
metadataList | List<MetaData> | Metadata list |
MetaData Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Metadata ID |
type | String | Metadata type |
name | String | Metadata name |
Response Parameters
not have
5.6 Get Metadata List
MetaDataListResponse listMetaData(String datasetId);
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
datasetId | String | Yes | Knowledge base ID |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
builtInFieldEnabled | Boolean | Whether built-in field is enabled |
docMetadata | List<DocMetadata> | Document metadata list |
DocMetadata Object Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Metadata ID |
type | String | Metadata type |
name | String | Metadata name |
userCount | Integer | Usage count |